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Latest Shows
Set 1: Big Modern!, Hot Love & The Lazy Poet, Lead Up, Animal[1], I Would Die 4 U[2] > Thatch, Silver Rising, Hungersite
Set 1: Gumshü[1]
Set 1: Drive, All I Need[1], Indian River[2] -> Cantaloupe Island[3], Borne, Seekers on the Ridge pt I > Seekers on the Ridge pt II, War Pigs[4], Tumble
Set 2: Creatures -> Shama Lama Ding Dong[5] > Sinnerman[6], Jeff Engborg, Everything Must Go, Ship Of Fools[7], Pancakes
Encore: Slow Ready > (dawn)
Set 1: Animal, California Magic, Silver Rising, Feel it Now, Rockdale, Fish In The Sea[1], Thatch
Set 2: Arrow[2], Travelers > Elmeg The Wise, Hungersite
Encore: The Empress Of Organos
Set 1: Dr. Darkness, Hot Love & The Lazy Poet > Turned Clouds, Echo of a Rose[1] > No California[2], Big Modern!, Give it Time
Set 2: Eminence Front[3] > Dripfield[4] > Yeti -> Pumped Up Kicks[5] -> Yeti, Arise > Arcadia
Encore: Hot Tea
Today in History
Set 1: Echo of a Rose[1], Mr. Action, Lead Up, I Would Die 4 U[2], Everything Must Go, All I Need[3], Yeti
Set 2: Thatch, Please Forgive Me[4], Borne > Hungersite, What's Up[5] > Factory Fiction[6]
Encore: Dripfield