Very good show. The first set was well played but not an essential listen. However, the second set is another story. Maybe we should let the fans pick the setlist more often ;).
Pancakes and Rosewood were an incredible one two punch to start the show off. The Pancakes jam was absolutely rockin and had a fantastic peak. Wysteria as well was a really solid version. I felt like Rick sounded particularly incredible vocal-wise for this version, which is very nice to hear. The ball-pull > Moby was a great way to get a breather which was perfect before this MONSTER Rockdale. The jam on Rockdale almost immediately was pushed into a super dark jam that quickly developed into Crazy Train teases which was very interesting, different, and cool for Goose.
Nice little nod from Ben to our fellow Jews in the audience and then they launched into a beautifully awesome White Lights.