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ndphillips August 15, 2024
This was the best show I've ever seen.

I was front row, right in front of where Rick came out and played, and it was fucking magical. 

They started at about 11:25 pm and played until nearly 2 in the morning. It was the jammiest set I've ever seen from Mt. Joy, helped by Rick absolutely shredding. His bit on "Let Loose" was especially magnificent. 

My partner recorded most of this but then accidentally deleted it. My heart still breaks thinking about those videos, lost to Apple's "clear space" function.

ndphillips June 17, 2024
This was my first in-person Goose show, and the setlist couldn't have been better! That second set was banger after banger. 

The Arrow (28 minutes long!) was the best I've ever heard from the feathered boys. The crests and falls, the sweeps of tension and release, the apotheosis of dissonance into bliss -- truly stunning stuff! That alone was worth the price of my seat. 

Borne was also a highlight! Those laddered guitar lines are just breathtaking. Interluding with the Sleep Walker instrumental made for a beautiful comedown after Borne's peak, but then served as a launching pad to go into the Borne jam, which was incredible. 

Personally, I've been getting into White Lights a lot more recently as just a hell of a number to dance to, so I was happy it closed out Set 2. 

Slow Ready was the song I wanted the most, and thankfully the Honkers rewarded the fervent crowd by melting our faces with this one. The jam is a bit formulaic at this point, but, like Coke and KFC before them, when the formula is that good, you just keep it the same and deliver. And they sure as hell delivered! 

A serendipitous highlight of the night was when a boat -- the Goodtime III -- passed by and honked in time and tune with "Your Ocean." 

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