El Goose.net > bswarren12 → Reviews

bswarren12 January 7, 2025
Different named venue but still White River for my fourth show, and these boys just keep getting better and better. The jams are tightening up and going somewhere! Absolutely loving watching this band grow musically. Each person so talented and accomplished at their instrument. The addition of Cotter Ellis was a huge improvement to their sound. Ben was great but you could hear the difference in how the boys attacked songs with Cotter! Great show!

bswarren12 January 7, 2025
After seeing these gents take care of business in a small intimate venue they came back through to Indy and played a smaller outdoor Venue (White River-No matter what they change the name to over and over again). I knew walking up to this show these guys were catching fire the amount of people who showed up to this venue which absolutely destroys the capacity at the Trap, I knew I needed to keep my eyes on future shows. They didn't disappoint at White River! 

bswarren12 January 7, 2025
Absolutely smoking ass show right here. In such an intimate venue. These guys absolutely blew the damn roof off The Mousetrap! 

bswarren12 January 7, 2025
They opened this show up on fire, my wife and I unfortunately had to leave early due to my father-in-law passing but what we got to see definitely piqued my interest to catch Goose again! 

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