Show Date | Song | Track Time | Artist | Venue Name | City | State | Notes |
2021-11-07 | The Old Man's Boat | 19:16 | Goose | Eastern, The | Atlanta | GA | Typical groove fest that settles down before incredible interplay between Rick and Peter. Driving bass and pulsating drumming and percussion pick jam back up. Peter then starts sirens and comes in hot before letting Ben close out with some very cool soloing. |
2022-03-10 | The Old Man's Boat | 16:36 | Goose | Agora Theater | Cleveland | OH | The usual Vibe jam gets funkier. Peter hits the clav and the band blasts their way perfectly -> into a huge "Use Me" bustout. |
2024-11-08 | The Old Man's Boat | 13:50 | Goose | Andrew J Brady Music Center | Cincinnati | OH | First significant Boat in a LONG time goes AGGRESSIVE funk. Rick alternates between sharp MuTron and distorted leads while Peter sets up a slick arpeggiator. Punchy Vintage Vibe then carries things before spacing out and coasting atop the twinkling space sounds into an equally as dancey "Fish in the Sea." |