Notable Jams

Show Date SongTrack TimeArtist Venue Name City StateNotes
2023-04-19No Rain13:56Goose ELM, The Bozeman MTThe jam stays relatively quiet and contemplative with excellent Vintage Vibe foundation from Peter. Rick toys with melodic leads but eschews a peak as Peter throws in a "Dark Star" tease in the last moments.
2023-09-25No Rain14:50Goose Fox Theater Oakland CAPeppy jam begins with Spuds on punchy tom work as Peter lays into the Vibe. Turns spacey and then falls away into a bouncy funk jam that feels totally unique to Goose's sound. Trevor and Rick lock in on some riffs while Peter moves to a textural role throughout the contemplative and unhurried groove. Must-listen to understand the developmental period of Fall '23.

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